Every life has a story, just waiting to be told. No one else can tell it.
I have always loved art. I was lucky as a child to have the time to explore my world and take it all in. I was also fortunate to have supportive adults along the way, especially wonderful art teachers who encouraged me.
I started creating art quilts more than 30 years ago, but I have been making art for most of my life. My work continues to evolve as my life experiences expand and are integrated into contemplative expression. It doesn’t matter what materials are used to that end.
To find the deepest voicing of my soul, I create with my hands. My mind and my hands are my most important materials, and I hope I never lose the use of either. From small, intimate drawings to altered and transferred photographs, from collages to three-dimensional assemblages and shrines to gigantic wall quilts, I tell my story. I invite the viewer to contemplate my experiences as they are presented in my art.
Viewers are necessary participants for artists. In my work, I hope to touch you on a personal level, making an immediate connection by the familiarity and accessibility of the materials I use: cloth, paper, photographs, thread, words. I invite you into my world, hoping you will be lured to linger by the textural sensuousness you find there.